
Homemade Fabric Softener or Where Have I Been?

by Suzanne on April 24, 2012

Homemade Fabric Softener

Where have I been?  Seems that every where I look, everyone knows about homemade fabric softener. Except me. But now, I do. And I want to pass this on to those of you who have been living under the same rock that I’ve been under all these years. Where this “recipe” really started, who knows.  I found lots of people had posted the same recipe on Pinterest with no one giving credit to anyone in particular.   This recipe actually came from One Good Thing by Jillee.  So, at this point, Jillee is getting credit for saving me money and showing me how easy it is to find the “flavor” that I want to smell in a fabric softener. This is a really difficult recipe, so for those of you who have bunions and corns, have a seat.  The rest of you make sure you have carb-loaded before you begin. Ready? 5.0 from 6 reviews Print Homemade Fabric Softener or Where Have I Been? Author: Suzanne Collier Recipe type: Household Cleaning Prep time:  10 mins Total time:  10 mins Serves: 41   a.k.a. “Suzi’s Softener” (Sure . . . give me credit if you want) Ingredients 6 cups of Water 3 cups of White Distilled Vinegar 2 cups of Hair Conditioner (I used a $.99 15oz. bottle of Suave “Refreshing Waterfall”) Instructions Mix water and conditioner in an 8 cup glass measuring cup or large plastic pitcher. You will want to use a container from which you can easily pour. Using a whisk, gently stir until ingredients are incorporated. Pour vinegar into an old gallon fabric softener bottle and then pour in the conditioner/water mixture. Screw the lid onto the bottle tightly and gently shake. This is not a concentrated product so you will not need to add water when you use it in your washer. 2.2.6 You can also make your own dryer sheet by spraying a little softener on a rag and throwing it in with a load of laundry into the dryer. I figure I spent about $2.50 for a GALLON of fabric softener as opposed to $6-$9 for the same amount at the grocery store. If you don’t have a large bottle to store this much softener, reduce the water by half (to 3 cups) and use half as much as you normally use for a washer load. I just finished a load and it needs a little more […]

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