
No Clue

by Suzanne on March 19, 2010

et al Asparagus and Scallops

Nope, no clue. This time-guzzling, who-will-really-read-this-crap blog. Well, other than I keep sending these little golden nuggets of wisdom to lots of friends and family via e-mail when really, I could be doing this. But seems this is more “hip”, “with it”, “groovy”, or whatever the saying of the month is now. After all, I can post pics, links and all.  Easy Peasy.  I have also been told on too many occasions by too many people I have an extraordinary amount of trivial BS in my head.  I’d like to give some of that away and make room for things I really need to know.  So, here we go. I love to do lots of things. I love spending time with our ever-expanding family. I love taking pictures that make people smile. I love cooking things that are tradition, comfort, my own stuff, other people’s stuff. I love traveling, with my Man from the Mountains a.k.a. My Mountain Man. However, seeing that writer’s block has already settled in like a fog on the coast, I’ll start with something I know and love. . . FOOD! Love food!  All kinds of food.  Fat, skinny, thick, thin, rich, crispy, crunchy, salty and sweet.  So, when someone asks, “So, Suzanne, what’s your favorite food – (you know, those friends that send you those ‘Get-To-Know-You-Reply-To-Me-and-Forward-To-20-Friends’ emails)?  I always break out in a sweat, or maybe it’s just a hot flash.  I don’t know how to answer this question.  I love all kinds of food.  Now, ask me what foods I don’t like and the same thing happens.  Again, I don’t know.  Ummm, would someone PLEASE turn on the ceiling fan?  I admit there are things I haven’t tried because, frankly, I don’t think I would care for fried worms or boiled brains.  But, well, maybe. . . . ? This is something I KNOW I like.  We’ll see if you like it, too. Cream of Mushroom Soup, et all Asparagus and Scallops a.k.a. “What to do with weird leftovers” Makes about 10 cups ¼ cup of onions 4 Tbsp Smart Balance stick margarine (or unsalted butter) 1/3 cup Wondra Flour (makes for a smoother mixture than regular flour) 1 tsp roasted minced garlic 5 stalks asparagus, rough chopped (optional) 15 mushrooms stems and pieces, rough chopped 4-5 med frozen sea scallops (or 3 large), thawed and rough chopped (optional) 1/8 tsp dried marjoram** 1 […]