October 2010

We had a nice little storm move through here this afternoon. Torrential rain. Frog-strangler. Turd-floater. Gully-washer. High winds. Tornado watches. Then a tornado warning. Then the sirens. Then daughter #2 calls and makes sure we are in the bathroom in the center of the house. Then daughter #1, (who lives just north of where the same tornado was just south of them) calls. Making sure we are in the bathroom in the center of the house. And yes, we were. Only the second or third time we’ve ever done that. We were there for all of 2 minutes. As it turns out the tornado passed just a tinsie, winsie bit west and north of us. Like a few blocks or so. Dodged another one. We live in tornado alley, something that has taken MM a while to get used to. Try thirty years. And they still give him the willies. Me? Had I known there was such a thing as a “storm chaser” when I was young and stupid (don’t say it), that would have been my chosen profession. Man, I would so love the thrill of the hunt! When a “good” storm comes around my heart races, every word that comes out of my mouth is at a higher pitch and flowing as fast as a fountain. All the while with a big, doodoo-eatin’ grin plastered on my face. All of this to say that when this weather moved through, the temp plunged and I was one really very happy camper and was immediately in the mood for some stew. The other day I made some biscuits for breakfast because we were out of any other kind of bread. I had even gone so far as, the morning before, to toast a couple of hot dog buns. Now, we really don’t eat much bread. Contrary to the way this sounds. But when we do it is generally at breakfast. And generally whole grain. However, this cool weather and the smell of the stew cooking really put me in the mood for another biscuit – with a little more “umph” than just a plain baking powder biscuit. Hmmmmm . . . I got out my trusty OLD Betty Crocker and found a recipe I thought I could live with. This is how it goes, only with my own little added “umph”. Besides, we needed a “sopper”. You know, something to […]