June 2010

Someone has to

by Suzanne on June 12, 2010

It’s a tough life. Being on the road. Traveling from place to place. Never knowing exactly where you will be from one day to the next. It’s a tough life. But someone has to do it. Since it was not exactly a day for a picnic, we did the only thing we could do . . . Go to the Mall of America! I admit, I used to be a mall rat. It was the only place I could find the pantie hose I liked. Remember those things? Pantie hose? Do they even still make them any more? Since I quit wearing pantie hose, I’ve had no need to go back to the mall. We’re talkin’ YEARS here, folks. Nope, no malls for me. Well, except once. Back in September of last year. Guess which mall? The Mall of America. Yep, took my nephew, Tyler, there. We went to the aquarium AT THE MALL. I still can’t believe there is a big aquarium at a mall. And we had a bite to eat. After all that ocean life, Tyler and I really worked up an appetite for some seafood! Actually, we did eat at “Bubba Gump’s Shrimp Company” there at the mall. Not fast food, but fine dining. AT THE MALL! Who’d a thunkit. This year, we head off with G & P. And we met Ry and Em there to do a little walking and have dinner. If you have never been to The Mall of America, this is the one thing you must not miss. Well, you really can’t miss it. It IS the middle of the mall. Whew! Well, with all that excitement, we worked up an appetite! On to find some eats! But not before we see this . . . For a minute I thought I was in Las Vegas. “Come on, honey. Let’s run down to the mall and get married!” Actually, Grammy and Emily went in just to see what all the hub-bub was about. This place has been in business for years and does about 10-12 wedding a WEEK! I’m not laughing. I’d take that kind of business all . . . day . . . long. Wow! Now, where’s the food? Yep, that’s right. Back to Bubba Gump’s. Just to be sure my experience last year wasn’t a fluke. This is some really great food. Wow, now THAT was a great […]